Thursday, May 3, 2012

Post Title is worse than.. than.. than POO!!!

Hi  I am sooo sorry that I haven't posted anything lately I got an iPod for my birthday and I've been so addicted to it -- I didn't have any freetime left on my computer... we all how terrible my posts come out if I don't have a good keyboard....

Anyway, my friend has a blog and no ones visited it yet so she's really sad -- give it a look, please!

Thank you so much you are making her day!

Anyway, getting back to business, there is only a ton of things going on in my life that I can't explain them all... it's just too much....

If you are a very dedicated fan (which you must be, or else why would you still be reading this!) of The Blog of Honeybees, then you might notice that I write my posts in many different ways. This is a completely new kind... don't exactly know how to explain it, though.

Well, I guess I do have to tell you about my life, but I only tell you about the details, because I find the big events boring and not original -- I want to make this a good blog, when I become an author it'll be famous, so I want to be well-written!

I always tell myself to write more on here -- I love you all so much! I'm not sure how to explain it but the people who actually read my blog, if you know me or not, like in real life, you know me well enough from this blog, you still mean the world to me!

My glasses and my 7 Eyewitness books came today. I like them, but really I only tell you about the small things in my life.


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