Sunday, May 13, 2012

Turtles are so awesome, Post Title, that when they look at you they throw up.

Hi my awesome blog readers. I have so much to say; this is gonna be a really long post.
1st order of business -- My Messed Up Mouth.
For a while I've wanted to get braces because my teeth are all crooked, so my Dad and I went to the local orthodontist yesterday to see if "I'm a good candidate" for braces. Woah, turns out is was worse than just crooked teeth. Well, my palette, (my top jaw) is too narrow, so my bottom jaw, which is normal sized, couldn't fit in normally, so all my bottom teeth inclined, and to get a normal bite, my bottom moved backward. And I have upper jaw teeth crowding. And crooked teeth.
Diagnosis -- first I get a palette expander, this thing that goes on my top jaw and I get a key for and I twist it once every night and it just makes my palette a little bit wider every night. Then, I get this thing that goes on my bottom jaw and has springs attached to it and the other end attaches to my top jaw, and this moves my top backward and my bottom forward, until everything is in place. (And if you think it's weird that I'm going to have springs in my mouth, guess what the springs replace... (anticipation (hey, are you even allowed to put parentheses inside parenthesis?))... try to guess... headgear. After my jaw is good, I'm going to get the braces. After braces, I'll have a permanent retainer and this little wire-stuff against my four front teeth of both jaws, but I can take out the top one if I want to after a few years, but I think I'll keep it in for safe keeping.
Numba Twooooooo -- Lifetime Wish #4... Completed.
Yesterday I went to Evergreen & Brickworks with my Dad and sisters and we passed this pond that's supposed to have (guess what) turtles in it and I saw one! I really wanted to take it home, but that would have been illegal, so I decided not to. It was black, but it's body, not it's shell, had long, thin, stripes going down it. We took a few pictures but I haven't uploaded them yet, so I'll post them as soon as I get them. When we left, I was like "Bye bye, Mettey/Metey, I love. I'll remember you forever" and I seriously wanted to cry. My Lifetime wish of seeing a real, live, turtle that's not stuck in a cage, but in the wildlife FULFILLED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !
Love you Meteys/Metteys out there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I want to cry again. Breathing changing. Tears coming to eyes. Crying.
And to all you Moms, Grandmas, Great Grandmas, Great Great Grandmas, etc., HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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